Hemp Seeds: From Super Illegal to Superfood
Nik JohnsonWhen we first dove into creating our recipe we knew we wanted to use limited ingredients, and that meant we needed to source ingredients that were densely packed with nutrients. Initially, we opted for pumpkin seeds, which is a bit of a "buzz ingredient" amongst dog food brands because of its high nutrient profile.
My elder pup, "Beans,” who literally gobbles food like Ms. Pac Man, loves pumpkin but my "Picky-Pup" Pebbles will only eat it begrudgingly. Of course, after only a few meals including pumpkin, Pebbles is back to being a Bratz doll, protesting for something different to eat. Pebbles is definitely Bunny Boo when she doesn't get her way, whereas Beans is more like Jade as she will confidently take chances (like trying new food).
Not long after embarking on my journey of extensive research into comparable seed options, I found myself adrift in a vortex of scholar.google.com and site:edu where I stumbled upon new studies on hemp seeds and dog nutrition.
As far as I knew, hemp might be marijuana or weed or whatever it’s being called nowadays. The association with a drug definitely raised concerns about potential psychoactive effects that could be passed to dogs through digestion.
Let's be honest, with weed being legalized all over the country, I had every right to be concerned that there could really be a tangible use for a product that was under the umbrella of a Schedule 1 substance for so long. So I continued my discovery and was amazed at what I found, specifically from "Hemp in Veterinary Medicine: From Feed to Drug". The report by Giorgina Della Rocca and Alessandra Di Salvo was published as an article on frontiersin.org, the 6th largest academic publisher on cutting-edge scientific data. That's good enough for me.
First of all, there is so little trace amounts of THC in hemp seeds the possibility of any psychological effects are nearly impossible. Big sigh of relief there. Now I know I won't return home from getting a cold brew to find Beans on a vision quest of her own, and I was ready to dive a bit deeper. Come to find out, hemp seeds are a secret super food. Let's get some nutritional facts out of the way so you can decide for yourself.
These small-unassuming seeds are packed with a complex combination of plant-based nutrients for your dog. Healthy fats like omega-3 and omega-6 are in perfect balance, while antioxidants, vitamins, mineral and fiber are not only present but right at the levels they need to be for optimal canine nutrition. Studies have shown that the fatty acid profile in hemp seeds, with omega-3 to omega-6 ratios around 3:1, can help reduce inflammation, improve skin and coat condition, support brain health, and provide other anti-inflammatory benefits. The abundant nutrients like vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorus and amino acids also contribute to overall health.
Now that we know of hemp’s impressive nutritional profile and lack of psychoactive potential I had to incorporate them into our pet's diet. Since hemp seeds pack such a nutritious punch, but wasn't high in any 1 nutrient, it was the perfect companion to our low ingredient recipe and now a staple in both Heavenly's Hearty Meals and Mini-Meals.
In short: Can dogs eat Hemp Seeds? Yes.
Are Hemp Seeds safe for dogs to eat? Absolutely.
Is my dog going to get high from eating Hemp Seeds? No, they will not.
So, what is your opinion of Hemp Seeds? Did you also assume they would send your dog to another realm, possibly full of fluorescent cats? Let us know in the comments below.
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1 comment
Very informative. Also, hilarious.